Guide, Network & Grow With an Alumni Community Mentoring Program

Mentoring programs can help expose your alumni network with the right career GUIDE, keep them engaged, resulting in an increase in  your member ratio.

youth feel disconnected from education and work

undergraduate students didn’t have a mentor

Let’s address the severity!

For alumni associations to help alumni, it gets challenging. Maybe with the shortage of career guides, less alumni interactions, budget, traditional technology, lack of context and having no mentor keeps the list going. This reduces involvement of alumni and therefore such associations fail. Let’s look at some more challenges:

We have a solution!

Enhance your alumni engagement, help your alumni get ready for their professional journey, and build your association. Guide students across your network for their better future outcomes with the help of mentors.

organizations invested in alumni integrations

We can help you tailor the right Mentoring Program for your company’s needs

It’s the right time to talk to our experts. Schedule a 30-minute call right away​​​