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A recent article by Forbes, “Don’t Fall Into These Leadership Traps in 2014,” highlights the importance of developing leaders as a means to strive for excellence within an organization.The author highlights seven traps or weaknesses that leaders sometimes fall into. He goes on to suggest that the best leaders will consider these weaknesses as opportunities to improve (think of it as a personal SWOT analysis).

Bullet #3 resonates with Management Mentors (which is why we shared the author’s entire paragraph). We believe that developing leaders and retaining top talent go hand in hand, and that the two objectives can be nurtured with a great mentoring program.

Check out the author’s list of 7 traps or weaknesses that leaders sometimes fall into (for the full article, click here):

1. They are lousy role models.

2. They have poor interpersonal skills.

3. “They neglect the development of bench strength. Coaching, mentoring and developing others are the key areas of competence, when it comes to battling the inevitable attrition that occurs in a majority of organizations. When leaders fail to prioritize staff development, it not only hurts the future of the organization, it creates disengagement among individuals as they feel they are not being invested in.”

4. They are closed-minded.

5. They lack positive energy.

6. They build silos.

7. They fail to paint a compelling picture of the future.

Do you agree with this list? Do you have anything that you would add to it? Do you recognize any of these traits in so-called leaders you have worked with? Feel free to comment below. And check out our free white paper, 5 Ways Mentoring Can Help Your Company, by clicking the following button below.