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laptop resized 600We had a great comment on one of our recent blog posts and we thought that our reply to that comment would make another interesting/informational post (don’t you just love it when that happens?).

The great comment was:

“Another imprtant [sic] thing is time management, as it plays a key role among the mentor sessions. Every session should be monitored, tracked and measured the results of the program against the program objectives.”

Our reply to this blog post and further elaboration to you (our awesome blog subscribers) regarding Mentoring Complete’s time management functionality:

“You are absolutely correct about time management playing a key role in mentor sessions. As a matter of fact, our mentoring software, Mentoring Complete, allows either partner to schedule a meeting using the “Schedule A Mentoring Session” functionality (see screen shot below). When done, the meeting date appears in each pair’s email and an email gets sent to Lotus Notes and Outlook so it can be placed there as well.  The Program Manager then can go into their administrative panel and use the Scheduled Meetings statistic functionality and see meetings scheduled that month, missed and rescheduled meetings, and pairs that have met and commented about the meeting. ”

corporate mentoring

If you are interested in learning more about Mentoring Complete, you can check it out here. Also, Mentoring Program Managers may be interested in checking out our certification course. Check out the button below.

And, if you have a question or a comment on one of our blogs, who knows? Maybe we will feature your comment in a future blog post!